Move to Lidköping

Create your dream life in Lidköping: a place where pride, community and opportunities flourish!

Framnäs strandpark

Lidköping is not just a place – it’s a way of life. Here you can live in the heart of the city, or enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. Here there is something to suit everyone from ancient castles to modern accommodation. Experience nature, Lake Vänern’s beaches offer nature and leisure experiences beyond the ordinary, with bathing spots and islands that invite both relaxation and adventure.

We are proud of our history, our region and our business life. With over 4,000 companies in the municipality, we are a place where entrepreneurship and innovation flourish. Grow and develop here as an employee or in your own company. But Lidköping is not only a place for work – it is also a place
for fun and culture. Our community is characterized by a rich cultural and associational life, where people gather to share interests and make new friends.

Best of all, it’s close to everything! By bicycle you can get around the municipality, from home to preschool and on to work in just 30 minutes. In addition, you can easily commute within the whole of Skaraborg in around 45 minutes.

Welcome to Lidköping - a place where nature is close, the community is strong and the culture is alive!

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